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Virtual Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a trauma-centered evidence-based practice utilizing bilateral stimulation of the brain via options such as hand movements, light, sound, or tapping, to assist in recall and reprocessing of traumatic events, memories, and core beliefs interfering with an individual’s functioning. There are 8 core phases of EMDR, and length of treatment and number of sessions vary based on individual needs, complex trauma, and response to treatment. Virtual EMDR is facilitated utilizing video-conference. EMDR has been utilized in various areas including, but not limited to, substance use, traumatic life experiences, depression, and anxiety. EMDR may not be a good fit for individuals who suffer from various medical conditions, such as seizures and migraines. For more information about EMDR please visit

If your insurance plan includes mental health benefits it most likely covers EMDR as a therapy modality! Please contact our intake team at 847-329-9210 (option 1) or to schedule an appointment.